Incident Investigation

We investigate all incidents, dangerous occurrences and near misses/hits with regards to workplace situations and/or public places. The situations we investigate are intended to identify why the incident occurred and what needs to happen to prevent similar recurrences in the future.

Our principal consultant has extensive expertise in this area, having been involved in numerous investigations for the NSW WorkCover Authority. The completed reports can assist in establishing negligence or defending a negligence action, we also prepare reports that can be used as part of the defence for prosecutions under all Occupational Health & Safety Legislation.


In investigating incidents internally for organisations we aim to identify the factors that contributed to the incident and detail controls measures needed to prevent a recurrence at some later time. Our analysis identifies the range of factors that contributed to the incident; the type of factors we examine are:

  • Person factors - training, experience, activities, supervision, etc.
  • Equipment factors - suitability, condition, design, etc.
  • Environmental factors - weather, work conditions, temperature, lighting, etc.
  • Procedural factors - instructions, work practices, systems of work, etc.

Workplace Risk Assessment

FRH conducts Risk Assessments in workplaces. The Risk Assessments are intended to objectively identify hazards that could injure a person and using a risk analysis technique to quantify the degree of risk.

Once the risk has been quantified the appropriate level of control can be introduced to bring high levels of risk within a level that is less likely to injure people. Some examples where the assessment processes are used are as follows:

In conducting risk assessments we use a range of techniques and guidelines to assess risks. The tools used consider WorkCover, Codes of Practices, Australian and International standards requirements / guidelines.

Health Safety And Environmental Management plans (HSE plans)

HSE plans are intended to provide a framework for developing and implementing continual improvements in all areas of HSE. As accredited and certified auditors, our consultants are aware of the requirements of an effective program and have the proven track record and experience that is required to make it work.

Based on AS 4804 & 4801, we can develop plans to be applied in Australia or internationally in accordance with an organisation's needs.

Workplace Auditing

Our consultants are certified in OHS Management Systems.

The audits we perform can be tailored to meet specific needs as follows:

  • Compliance Audits (State or Federal OHS legislation)
  • AS/NZS 4801 / 4804 Management Systems Audits
  • OHSAS 18001
  • Generic OHS Management Systems Audits
  • SafetyMAP
  • InjuryMAP
  • National OHS Self Insurer Audits (NAT)
  • Due Diligence Audits
  • Site/Project Specific audits

Site Inspections

FRH can tailor and provide an inspection service relevant to your needs to identify situations which could injure employees or members of the public. We can provide a range of inspection services as follows:

  • Inspections to identify deficiencies in workplaces,
  • physical risk surveys are designed to identify hazards likely to injure employees,
  • regular inspection service provides an external and independent review of the workplace,
  • specific purpose surveys to complement activities within an organisation such as:
    • office safety
    • ergonomic & workstation
    • manual handling
    • access & egress
    • slip, trip and falls
    • workshop / facility hazards
    • building & construction work

Training & Development

FRH can customise its training to suit your business needs.

Ranges of general topics include:

  • Hazard, Risk Management and JSEA
  • Safe Work Method Statements
  • Supervisor / line manager programs
  • Incident investigation
  • Legal compliance programs

We provide training on a wide range of issues relating to HSE for employees, supervisors and managers. The training is designed to comply with relevant statutory requirements (as minimum) and relevant Codes of Practices / Standards. We tailor training courses to meet the organisation's specific needs; examples of the range of courses that we provide are:

  • Risk Management for Supervisors / Line Managers
  • Hazard & Risk Management
  • Conducting Risk Assessments
  • Job Safety and Environmental Analysis (JSEA)
  • Incident investigation
  • Hazardous Substances
  • Behavioural Based Safety (BBS)

Besides the above general training courses, FRH can also arrange to conduct a range of specific educational topics as follows:

  • Manual Handling
  • Dealing with Hazardous Substances
  • Safety in Confined Spaces

If you are uncertain on what type of HSE training is required or just want to upgrade the skills of employees in regard to HSE, we can conduct a 'training needs analysis' for all your HSE needs. The training needs analysis is designed to assess the training and competency of personnel against statutory and job specific requirements.